Bathroom Safety Tips

Bathroom Safety Tips

Every room in our house is full of dangers, be it kitchen or bathroom or guest room and it is only we who should be always cautious in order to live safely. Avoiding safety measures can lead you, our kids or your guest into trouble. Therefore, every member of the family should follow the safety tips. Among all other rooms, bathroom is known to be one of the dangerous places in house. Firstly bathrooms are full of moisture and under such atmosphere using electrical appliances and placing sharp accessories and harmful cleaning agents makes the place more dangerous not only for kids but for adults too. This article deals with all the safety measures which one should follow while being in the bathroom or while coming out of the bathroom after use. These safety tips will make you how to recognize the upcoming dangers and how to react at the same time to stay protected and safely at your home by avoiding deadly accidents.

  • Check all the wiring of your bathroom. There should be no naked wire hanging on the wall as this can give an electric shock. Also make sure the wiring of the bathroom is not worn out. All the wires should be insulated.
  • Bathroom is a place where moisture is always present. So it is advisable to be cautious while plugging in any electric appliances like geyser, where water boils to 140 degree Fahrenheit. Also avoid plugging these appliances when water is present in that area. One negligent move can lead to unavoidable destruction.
  • Always install non slippery bathroom tiles. Ceramic tiles with various designs can be purchased from the market. These tiles are water resistant and are non slippery. You can also place rubber based rugs around the wet areas. This will prevent you from slippages.
  • Keep your bathroom always clean and hygienic. Ceramic tiles at the shower area or on the flooring can be cleaned easily. You can use cotton mop to sweep the floor.
  • Do not allow the water to get accumulated at one place as this can lead to slippages and falls. Mop the floor soon after the use and let the bathroom dry. Kids are very fond of water and love to spend more time playing with it. If you have kids at your home then it is advisable to always inspect the room after every use as they can leave the tap open while bushing or washing hands or taking bath. This will also make you aware of the water wastage and occurrence of puddle in the bathroom.
  • If you have kids at home then always keep your cabinets locked. Normally we store harmful chemicals or cleaning agents like acid, detergents, etc in the cabinets. Make sure that kids cannot reach them as they are poisonous materials. You can place such materials at higher places in the bathroom where you feel that kids cannot touch them.
  • Always keep a lock on the door of your bathroom from outside so that small children cannot enter the bathroom to play with water. There are chances that they can lock themselves in the bathroom. Therefore it is advisable to always be with them and never leave them alone in the room.
  • No medicines should be stored in the bathroom cabinets.
  • If you have kids then it is advisable to keep all sharp objects like scissors, nail files, blades etc away from the kids. You can place these things in a wall cabinet. Make sure the wall cabinet is installed at higher place where your kids cannot reach them. You can also keep cosmetics and mouthwash products in the same cabinet so as to keep your kids away from such things.
  • Before giving bath to your little one test the temperature of the hot water to prevent your kid from burns. You can place your figure under the hot water tub in order to check whether it is comfortable or not.
  • Never allow your small kid to touch the tab as he would not be able to turn off or on it.
  • Your bathroom should have adequate lighting. Proper lighting does not only make the bathroom look beautiful but also gives a good vision.
  • Never leave your kid under the age of 10 alone in the bathtub. No matter whatever work you have, it is advised not to leave you kid alone for a second also. If your work is urgent and requires attention then take your kid out from the tub, wrap in a towel and walk out of the bathroom.
  • Kids love playing with toys while bathing in the tub. So make sure the toys are clean. Kids under the age of 5 do take toys in their mouth therefore it is advisable to clean them thoroughly soon after every bath. You can use bleach to clean them.

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