Bed Covers Buying Guide

Bed covers are generally used to cover the bed sheet which is laid on the bed. They not only just act as a covering for the bed sheets but at the same time gives an elegant and complete look to the bedroom. It also gives a wonderful appearance to the bed. Though, bed covers are available in various colors, designs and patterns to match to your bed room décor, it is not that easy to choose the right one for your bed. You have to be very cautious while selecting it. There are certain important points which you should keep in your mind before purchasing bed-covers. This guide would help you with how to get the better bed cover for you bed.


  • Measurement of your bed: Bed covers are available in different sizes. You can choose the bed cover based on the size of your bed.  Make sure you have an exact measurement of your bed before buying the bed cover. This would help you in purchasing a perfect bed cover for it.


  • A Beautiful Bed Cover

    Visit right store: It is suggested not to purchase the bedcover from the very first shop you entered into. Before taking final decisions it is advised to visit all the stores near to your house so as to get a rough idea on different patterns available. There are also many stores in the market which sell branded and house branded bed covers in different designs, colors, and prices. Try visiting such stores as these stores would give you a wide range of choices. You can also find a wide variety of luxurious and wild color bed covers on internet.


  • Thread counts: The next important thing you should keep in mind is the thread count. Before purchasing your bed-cover, it is advised to notice the thread counts which are printed on the label. The number of thread counts gives the feel of the fabric. The fabric used in the bed cover gets better with the number of thread counts. The softest feeling of the bed cover is when the thread count lies in the range of 175 and 250.


  • Best Fabric choice: There are varieties of fabrics available in the market. You can choose cotton or cotton mix non wrinkling bed covers for you bed. You can also buy bed covers with satin or silk textures to give your bed a luxurious look.


  • Check measurement: Before purchasing the bed cover just cross check the measurements with the measurements of your bed. Also check that whether you have got a perfect bed cover for your bed. Few fabrics shrink after their first wash therefore it is advisable to have a check on this as well.


  • Color, texture and design: Bed covers are available in different colors, textures and design to suit your bed room décor. You can choose bed covers of your choice. However, just make sure that you end up purchasing the bed cover which perfectly fits to your bed and your interiors.


So get the best bed cover with best fabric, design and color for your bed and give you bedroom a striking and wonderful appearance.


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