Christmas and Holiday Centerpieces

Christmas and Holiday Centerpieces

Christmas is a day when all your friends and family come together for the Christmas meal. Therefore a well decorated home facilitate in setting the perfect ambience for a wonderful Christmas evening. The Christmas centerpiece is a focal point for the Christmas table and adds lively charisma and ambience to the gathering. Decorating the home with various embellishments and Christmas ornaments is a great way to make the Christmas day even more memorable. On the day of Christmas the holiday centerpiece and the Christmas trees are the biggest points of attraction in your home. A centerpiece performs a function that is purely decorative in nature therefore, the size, shape and color of the centerpiece should be as per the decor of the room.

Christmas and holiday centerpiece can be used in two ways; either as a dining table centerpiece or as a living room center table centerpiece. Every Christmas table decoration whether a dining table or a center table include beautiful and amazing centerpiece. No matter how centerpieces are made but to make a unique centerpiece involves lot of time and energy. Making centerpiece generally involves a lot of fun as it is more of a team effort. While decorating the dining table with a centerpiece special care should be taken of its shape and size. In a formal gathering it is always recommended that the centerpiece size should be small so that it occupies less space and area whereas, in an informal affair the centerpiece can be comparatively large and well decorated and can occupy the entire area of the dining table. The best part of a Christmas and holiday centerpiece is that they can be made almost from everything. Breadth taking centerpieces can also be made at home. A homemade centerpiece gives a personalized touch to the entire Christmas decoration. While decorating a centerpiece few tips should be kept in mind:

  • Christmas and Holiday Centerpieces
    Let your table centerpiece be designed within decorative inspiration and create what goes out from the heart

    The Christmas and holiday centerpiece should not be very high until and unless you are planning to remove it during the meal time so that guests can actually see each other. The shape and size of the centerpiece should be such that it should not obstruct the view of each other across the table. Huge centerpiece can also act as a hurdle while eating.

  • The size of the centerpiece should be decided keeping in view the size of the dinning table. After all dining tables are basically meant for serving platters, dishes and condiments, so sufficient space should be left for them.
  • Also decide whether you want a grand piece in the center of the table or a collection of small decorative items to add interest to your festive holiday centerpiece.
  • The color and theme of the centerpiece should always match the theme of the house.
  • Try to match the color and theme of the centerpiece with the color of the crockery. This will add magic to your table.

Types of Centerpiece settings

Various types of settings can be used to make a centerpiece:

  • Flower arrangement- Traditionally artificial flowers were looked down against their real counterparts. But with the increase in demand, competition and availability of beautiful real like artificial flowers, artificial flowers are herding the markets. While choosing the type and kind of flowers for your centerpieces don’t restrict yourself to arrangements strictly from your florist shop. You can coordinate other ornaments and Christmas embellishments with your flower arrangement. Flowers in home can also be beautifully blended with other flowers. The choice of flower whether real or artificial should also depend upon the time period you are willing to display your centerpiece. In case you choose to display the centerpiece for more than a week than artificial arrangement is recommended, otherwise for a long period live flowers will loose their freshness and charm.
  • Candle arrangements- A Christmas centerpiece with candles arrangement is always elegant. Candles had always been favorite Christmas decoration way for many years.  Candles represent hope, joy and rebirth, all of which are part of the festive Christmas season. You can also use aroma candles to make the mood and ambience more lively and joyful.
  • Ribbon arrangements- Colorful ribbons can be very well blended with flower and light arrangements. Use of silky ribbons will provide a unique and mesmerizing flair to the overall decoration.
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