Feng Shui Tips for Dining Room

Feng Shui Tips for Dining Room

Dining room is the place where we sit together with the family members and take our meals.  It is also the place where family friends and relatives often come together and are entertained. Good Feng Shui and flow of chi can also bring in good appetite to the family. Feng Shui can help you in building good relationships or bonds. It can create warm and welcoming environment in the room. It also contributes to the wellness of digestive system and overall health family members. Following are few tips which you should consider for good health and spirit.

  • Position your dining room in east, south-east, west and north-west directions. It should be in center of your home. It is advised to avoid a dining room which is north-east direction from the center of the house as this can bring in negative waves within the room.
  • Feng Shui recommends you not to keep your dining table free from distractions that means clutters. It is advised not to have too many clutters on the table as it is distracting. It is not necessary to fill the surface with clutters. Too much can weaken family and their health. You can place accessories if you want to, however it is good to use less for something good to happen.
  • Feng Shui Tips for Dining Room
    Feng Shui Tips for Dining Room

    It is advised to use an oval or round dining room table. Do not use square or rectangle dining tables as sharp corners break up the Chi flow. It is believed that the rounded tables stimulate conversation and maintain unbreakable chi flow.

  • The host of the house should always sit at the head of the table. Make sure that there is no door at his back. If there is the door at the back remove that door or fill that place. This would prevent the family from unexpected surprises and problems.  However, it is good to have a door in front of the host’s seat.
  • According to Feng Shui Chandeliers are good in the dining room. Chandeliers over the dining table are beneficial for the family as they are considered good for building family relations. Having exposed beams in the dining room may cause depression to the occupants. However you can cover them by paint if they are necessities.
  • Avoid placing too much of furniture in the dining hall. There should be only a dining table and chairs for the occupants to sit and eat the meal. Too much furniture can inhibit the flow of chi and can cause digestive issues to the members of the family.
  • Mirrors reflect energy from other parts of the house to the dining room. Place the mirrors that reflect the food served. This would promote wealth and food in abundance. Don’t place low mirrors on the dining room walls.
  • You can use candles to decorate the dining room. You can also use accent lighting to lighten up the room.  However it is advised not to use these lights as main lighting source as this will restrain guests from seeing food.
  • Feng Shui recommends having even number of chairs at the dining room table always. If anyone occupies the odd chair will always feel left out from the family. All the dining chairs should have a back rest. Make sure no furniture is broken. If you are using any broken chair or table get it repaired or replaced as soon as possible to avoid unexpected surprises.
  • Decorate your dining room with an Aquarium. The aquarium should consist of active small fishes. It is recommended not to keep it in the southern sector.
  • Make sure your dining room should not be visible from the main door of your house. This can cause loss of wealth. If such is the case then it is advised to search for an alternative. You can use decorating screen or an partition to avoid the visibility of the room from the front door.
  • It is advised not to have a clock in the room. The family members focus should be only on food served and not the time.

Image Courtesy:-  http://www.omurtlak.com/

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