A cluttered stair covered with snow, ice can often cause many accidents. They are really dangerous for all the family members especially kids. In research conducted by US it has been found that there are more accidents due to cluttered stairway as compared to motor vehicles. Everyone of any age can get into a serious risk just because of a faulty stairway. There are some steps which you can consider in order to have a safe and secure stairway. With these safety measures you can safeguard your family from serious accidents.
- Always have handrails for your stairway no matter how small or big your steps are. Handrails will safeguard your family members from serious accidents. It is advised to have handrails in both the sides as your kid can not fall from any of the sides.
- There should be no unnecessary object lying on your stairway or steps. The steps should be clear from such objects as they will obstruct you from climbing up or getting down from stairs. You can also come across an accident if the object gets stuck to your feet. Also it is advised to remove all the decorative items kept for displaying on the steps and keep the steps away from temporary storage.
There are many ways by which anyone make the stairs in their home safer Always have proper lighting. The stairway should be well lit with bright lights. You can have switches to on and off at the top or the bottom of the staircase. The lighting will show you the way to climb your stairways without any slippages.
- Clean the spillovers if any. If your stairway is made of natural stones like marble then it is advised to clean the water spills immediately. You can also lay down a carpet on the staircase. This will protect you and your kid from slippages. The carpets are the best element as they suck the water or any liquid spillovers and keep the place dry.
- Paint your bottom basement step with white color. This will help you to distinguish the lowest step. Mistakenly, putting your step on different step treating that as the last step on the floor can cause imbalance to you.
- Do not wear socks or any smooth soled shoes as you can lose your balance and fall. Always wear footwear which has a good grip. This will prevent you from slippery flooring on the stairs.
- Avoid using loose rugs at the top or the bottom of the stairs. However, if you want keep a rug on the basement or on the top of the stairway then make sure the rugs are skid resistant. Also make sure the corners of the rugs are not curved. You can stick the corners with the help of a tape.
- Clean your steps if they are snow covered. Also check that the steps you are using are not broken or have loose bricks.
- Use good material such as wood, cement or bricks while building a stairway. Make sure you have safety gates both at the top and bottom of your staircase.
- In case you want to take loads to top or the bottom of the staircase, then always carry small loads so that you can see each step while stepping up or down the stairs. Always use handrail for support.
Awesome post. A lot of useful information on how to order a safe and secure stairway with specific guides. Thank you for sharing. You are amazing.