Festive Season Feng Shui

Feng Shui is very old Chinese art that brings happiness, success and growth in life. It brings synchronization between man and the surroundings in which he is living and functioning. Decorating with Feng Shui involves the flow of energy and moving blocked space so energy progress at balanced pace around the entire home. Decorating in such a mode will guarantee that there is stability in energy and emotion in environment. You can choose object, colors, synthetic materials that will add the positive energy to decorate your house. The five fundamental element of Feng Shui are fire, wood, water, earth and metal. Rather than decorating in same old fashion, why not use Feng Shui? Feng Shui decorations can be used to adorn your house for kind of festivals. Below points can help you decorate your house under Feng Shui and gather positive energy and vibes and make your festival more enjoyable and brighter.

The light and lamp lit, at once produce vibrations of the happiness that lift the spirits. The light generates the perfect appearance of yin and yang Tai chi. Feng shui lights are considered as tremendous reinforcing agents to draw instant good fortune. As we go into the festive period of Christmas, New Year and in the celebration of Diwali, this is a perfect time to put in new lights in your home or in front of company.

Feng Shui house décor in a festive season should begin by firstly considering your house direction and then placing furniture, decorative items and harmonizing colors to most appropriate locations. When you beautify your house with different power and fields in mind, you will reach an ideal balance not merely in your home, but in all regions of your life. A very key feature of Feng Shui is that the home should be chaos free. If you have various things in your home, be fittings, flower, vase, or other decorative items, it obstructs the flow of the life giving chi power.

You should reorganize your fixtures and other decorative items during the festive season, so that the chi energy can flow more generously in all the corners of your home. If you don’t shift one piece of fixtures for an extended time, it starts taking the liveliness from you and you feel drained out quickly.

In feng Shui, green correspond to the color of remedial. It eases and diffuses stress and create nonviolent environment. Furnishing with pine or evergreen branches and garland; think about hanging some over your entrance outside to wards off negative energy and encourages good fortune and luck.

According to Feng Shui red color stands for achievement. Use things that are strong and well built in certain areas. Use dark wood and red color in the decorations. Also use yellow and earth quality decorative furniture. Use plants, flora, work of art and pictures that depict natural surroundings like mountains and woods.

Blue is considerate and religious color and like green it has soothing influence. Purple is related with power, wealth and destiny. White is not suggested for Christmas in feng Shui as it is a color of blamelessness and naivety. Add plants and candles to the room. Include candles to the table and plants to the room. You might also add wood decoration, to help promote pleasant family get-together

The tables according to Feng Shui should be round and oval shape. The absence of sharp edges and corners helps energy to flow freely and gently through the room. Try avoiding buying any decorative items for festivals which has sharp edges. While decorating with Feng shui, maintain sharp corner to bare minimum. Place healthy plants in a decorative method throughout the home. It’s not tough, just feel the room and follow good Feng shui ideas to decorate home and office.

Small herbs are best located in southern area of your garden. Be positive not to obstruct any of the access ways or windows with plants. Placing purple and bougainvillea draw prosperity as these colors stand for affluence. In the east of the backyard raise trees. In the western area grow blossom, particularly scented range and join with low rising shrubs. Flowering and fruits draw very valuable chi and encourage living creatures into your backyard.

Feng Shui can be used in decorating your house with the aim of creating a affectionate, compassionate, enjoyable and cheerful rooms during the festive season. Decorating guidelines used are somewhat different than the customary decorating, but once you begin using them a melodiously decorated home is yours to enjoy! Start employing a few of these easy ideas in your own home and work environment. These simple actions of space and energy can create a difference in the way you celebrate.

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