Decorating home as per your savor, style and requirements is everyone’s dream. But if there are kids at home then parents have to very careful while furnishing their home. Wise choices should be made before picking up any furnishing item for home unless you don’t mind sparing some extra cash in cleaning and replacing items. At times some kids can be destructive and you don’t want to spend your time and money cleaning or keeping your kids away, which at times may not be practically possible. But this does not mean that with kids at home, your style has to suffer and at the end of the day you feel like you live in a day care. Various kinds of kid friendly furniture are available in the market in several designs and patterns that you may really like. Kid friendly furniture doesn’t mean simple and boring against the stylist and trendy furnishings. You can enjoy your furniture even with kids at home, by making proper choices, and can make everyone happy and comfortable.
Few points should be kept in mind before choosing kid friendly home furnishings:
- Choose fabrics that are easy to clean and can be treated with stain repellents.
- Pick hardwood furniture that can be refinished or painted easily if damaged.
- Use leather couch or dark-color durable wooden sofa as it looks classy and beautiful and matches a number of flooring options and wall colors. It can be easily cleaned and is easy to maintain.
- Avoid decorating homes with a large number of glass pieces or crystals as they are fragile and difficult to maintain.
Kid-Friendly Home Furnishing Choose simple cordless window coverings instead of flowing curtains. At times cord can be dangerous for crawling kids as they can get tangled in the cord.
- Use paint of leading brands that are specifically developed for homes with children. Use semi glass paint instead of flat paint in order to wipe marks easily.
- Consider using wallpapers as an option instead of using paint since wallpapers can be easily maintained, cleaned or even changed if damaged. In the market, some wallpaper has varieties that are even targeted towards kids.
- Avoid using wall to wall carpets as they are very difficult to maintain with children in their early years. If carpet needs to used, it is advised to use medium to dark tone shades. Nylon and wool nylon carpets can be used as they are more durable, soft, and stain resistant.
- Use rugs as they can be lifesavers in many areas of the house. Several kinds of rugs such as, jute, sea grass, and sisal, are available in the market as per the customer’s choice and affordability. These are not just incredibly durable but also affix magnificence to a house.
- Use open shelves with glass sliders for displaying delicate and precious articles.
- Buy curios, preferably with locking system, so that the valuables are not subjected to being damaged. Apart from being safe they are easy to manage since regular dusting is not required.
By keeping a few things in mind, as mentioned above, one can embellish their home as desired without increasing the chances of any damage by the kids.