Living Room Color Scheme Ideas

Living Room Color Scheme Ideas

Living room plays a vital role in any home. It is the place which you would love to decorate and design in a unique way as it leaves the first impression on your guests whenever they visit. The most important element in this room is the color. Color paints play an important role in creating a mood and environment in the room. Avoid using neutrals or dark colors like red, blue etc as these colors will make your room look small and congested. Try using something which can build up a relaxing atmosphere like white, cream or light grey. Wall colors give a beautiful and amazing effect to your living room. They are the most effective tool in creating a relaxing and welcoming environment.

Following are few color themes and schemes ideas which can help in building up an elegant and energetic atmosphere within your living room:

Living Room Color Scheme Ideas
Cool And Relaxing Color Theme


Use cool colors for a relaxing environment

If your living room is primarily used for socializing then it is best to use those colors schemes which would make you feel relaxed in the room. You can create a peaceful and relaxing environment by using light green or blue shades on the walls. You can also use wallpaper instead of paint on the walls as they give a softer and a homely effect. If you are not sure of what paint should be used for ceiling then it’s better to use white color. It is safe and can always paint another color later if you want to change. Place accessories of white or red color in the room. Keep in mind not to over saturate the living room with colorful accessories as they can offset the green and blue color schemes.

Asian living room

You can create an Asian style living room by using earth tones like rich red, beige, cream, brown and black on the wall. Install beige flooring, linen sofa and cherry blossoms shade painted walls.  Bring in live plants like bamboos or flowers in red to add the beauty in the room. Place lanterns or candles in the room. Search for jewel tone color fabrics like something in gold, or purple to bring in Asian style decor.


Living Room Color Scheme Ideas
Country Style Theme

Country style theme

In order to decorate your living room in a country style you can use the combinations of different colors like reds, greens and yellows with little bit of cream to balance. Combination of red and cream with a little touch of green can be used to bring in a lively atmosphere of farmhouses. Avoid matching suits of furniture. Place bulky couches, vintage tables and chairs to bring in a country style. Hang Vintage prints and landscape paintings on the walls. You can also place ceramic vases all over the table tops to bring in the character.

Classic American decor

In order to bring in the classic American style into your living room it is advised to use only formal shades of colors. You can paint your room with formal shade of blue and can place furniture with soft blue denim pillows. Place blue and white dishes on the table. Decorate your room by adding blue color accent pieces and ceramic vases on the table top.

Use of Bright colors

You can also use bright shades like yellow, red with combination of whites and off whites. Bright shades can also make the room look comfortable. You can paint your living room with yellow color and showcase with spring greens as an accent. Check out for fabrics which have tint of spring green so as to make the color versatile in the room.

Tips while selecting Color for your room

  • Before choosing the color for your room it is first important to determine the functionality of the room. You should be clear on whether you would be using it for relaxing purposes or for formal gatherings.
  • If your room has an adjoining dining room then it is better to choose a paint which can also complement that room.
  • Decorate you room by adding floral arrangements. You can place bunch of flowers on the center table top in the room or can place it in the corner wall. These arrangements bring a fresh look to the living rooms.
  • Beware of lighting. Lighting can also change the color of the wall. Check the wall color especially during the evenings in candle or lamplight to check the change f color.
  • If you are using dark colors then it is important that you use them only on any one of the wall. This act as a focus point in your room. Paint other walls with lighter shades of color in order to create a color balance in the room. Avoid painting all the walls with dark colors as it will make the room cluttered and congested.

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