Vastu Tips for Office
- Rectangular or a square plot is ideal for building an office.
- The height from all the sides of the building should be same.
- If you are looking to install water bodies then the best area will be the eastern zone or the northeast zone of the office. But the water tank should not be in the northeast direction.
- Ground floor of the office should have the reception and it should face either face towards eastern end or towards the northern end. The sitting arrangement for the receptionist should also be in east or the north direction.
- Other employees and staff of the office including the managers, executives and chairman should sit in any one of the directions; west, south and southwest direction.
- Top management of the office must have a solid wall behind them. It gives a positive effect to the mind.
- All the officers belonging to the middle level should be positioned towards the east or the north zone while the field staff should face the northwest direction.
Vastu Tips for Office Finance as well as the account department must be designed either in the north direction, east or northeast direction.
- The southwest corner should be left for the side tables and for telephones.
- Energy should be able to pass freely from the doors and so there should be no blockage for that.
- Staff which is engaged for the work must sit either facing the north or even east direction is fine.
- It is said that the staff should not work under the beam. Try to avoid any kind of beam in the area where the staff is working or else you can get it covered with a wooden material.
- The center of the office should always be empty.
- A company can keep all the necessary documents in a locker or a cupboard but it should face the northwest corner.
- The owner should use a table which is rectangular in shape.
- Water supply should be in the right direction but south direction is not preferred.
- Appropriate position of the pantry should be towards southeast or northwest direction.
- The northwest direction is meant for marketing department.
- The toilets must be located towards northeast or southwest direction only.
- Ensure that the office is not built near the temple, hospital and graveyard.
- All doors and windows should open in north or eastwards.
- No person should be seated at the entrance.
- The temple should never be on the back side of your seat.
- Pantry should face towards southeast direction.
- Location of toilets should be in northwest side.
- A cash room has to be located in southwest.
- The northeast zone is best suited for water activities.
How to know that our house is in which direction
The vastu says that the accounts department should be set up in the south-east direction. The central portion of the office should be left empty. The northwest direction is ideal for the marketing department. Its really good and advisable if an aquarium with one black fish and 9 goldfishes is placed in the north-east of the office.
The seating arrangement for the managers, directors or the executives should be located in the south, west or the south-west direction of the offices. If the accounts dept. is in the south-eastern direction then it will be very beneficial for the company and as for the reception it should be in the north-eastern direction.
According to the vastu, offices should be in the East direction. Rectangular shaped offices are the best. The ideal sides for executives and the other staffs are the north and the eastern sides whereas the boss should face the north side while working.
Just like the feng shui, can i also know about some nice tips of vastu shastra for the office. I believe that they might have nice guidelines which might prove to be beneficial for those individuals who are going to be decorating or renovating their offices in the near future.