Vastu for renovating a house

Vastu for Renovating a House

Renovating your home can really be a very difficult task if you have no idea from where to start. If you really want to renovate your home in the most exotic manner then it would be best for you to take the help of a professional interior decorator. They would be able to guide you about the important things that you must keep in mind while you are getting your home renovated. If you want to get the renovation done according to vastu then you can consult different books and magazines for it. You will see that by renovating your house you can really enhance its appearance and beauty. You can even add various different accessories while renovating your house.

Vastu has various special rules that you must follow, if you are getting your home renovated according to this science. In this article, I would like to give you some good suggestions and tips that would help you in renovating your house according to the vastu rules:

  • Location of the entrance and the surrounding area

Vastu lays a lot of emphasis on the location and the surrounding area. If your entrance is not correctly placed then you can get it corrected while the renovation process is on. Try to avoid the creation of negative zones near the entrance area as this brings very bad vibrations. Tell your interior decorator to make a planned layout for you according to which you should get the house reconstructed. If you do not have the budget to fully change the direction of the entrance then you can also consider making some minor adjustments.

  • Location of the master bedroom, guest room and children’s room
Vastu for renovating a house
Vastu for renovating a house

The different bedrooms located in the house should also be placed in the right direction in order to create the right balance. Vastu has various special rules for the placement of different rooms in different directions. During the renovation process it becomes really difficult to change the direction of the bedrooms that is why if you want you can interchange rooms. You can convert the kid’s room into the master bedroom and vice versa according to the needs and requirements of vastu.

  • Kitchen area

The kitchen area is one of the most important parts of your house that is why its correct placement is very important to strike the correct balance. The placement of the kitchen depends a lot on the internal placement of different rooms of the house. If your kitchen is not facing the right direction then you can make some necessary changes according to the vastu rules. If you want you can also shift your kitchen counter in the different direction according to the rules. The appliances used in the kitchen should also be placed in the correct location.

  • The colors of your wall

The colors of your interior also play a huge role in the creating a positive ambiance. Make sure that you select vibrant and happy colors for the rooms of your house. Never go for the dull shades as they would make the place look gloomy and off balance. You can take the help of your interior decorator to know more about the colours that would suite your rooms to perfection.

I hope that this article would help you to a great extent in renovating your home according to the rules and laws of Vastu.

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