Color Combination for a Baby Girl’s Nursery

5 Color Combinations for a Baby Girl’s Nursery

If you are blessed with a baby girl and are the pompous parent of a little angel then you definitely need to decide and decorate her nursery with all the love and style that you want your girl to have. Though decorating a baby’s room sounds easy but can turn out difficult at times, especially when you have no clue or confused of what theme or color combination to use which best suits your little angel. The easiest way of deciding the right combination for the room is to first fix on what your baby nursery theme will be. Deciding on the room theme before picking up color combinations, help parents to purchase baby nursery items according to their savor and requirement and then get the item matched with the color combinations they like. This ensures that the color combination of the baby girl room is in line or compliment well with rest of the nursery. Conventionally pink shade is used for a baby girl. With an array of color combinations to choose from, there is no obligation on the parents to go for traditional pink color for their baby girl’s nursery, in case pink shade is not their choice and style.

What color to choose?

  • There are several shades of pink available in the market and each shade carries a different sentiment and feeling. If you plan to have combination of color with pink in the nursery then go with a bright color on top a lighter shade of pink.
  • Lilac paint with white and light brown accents can be a lovely combination for a girl’s nursery and a great substitute to pink shade too.
  • Chocolate brown blended with light pink color makes a great combination. This combination also merges up well with the other home décor.
  • Light green and pallid green can be a good option for baby girl’s room. It also works well with all shades of pink and brown.

Different color combinations

  • Pink and white– this is the traditional nursery color theme that has been admired for ages. The best part with this color combination is that, the accessories that match this theme are easily available.
  • Color Combination for a Baby Girl’s Nursery
    Color Combination for a Baby Girl’s Nursery

    Brown and sage– this color when mixed with white and pink shade adds earthy and natural look to the room. Brown and sage colors are easy to find and grows with your baby girl.

  • Pink and brown– this color combination provides contemporary look to the room. Getting other nursery items matched to this scheme is also very easy.
  • Lavender and green– though this color combination is hard to locate but the outcome of such floral color theme are worth it. This combination is known to provide a calm and relaxing sensation to the baby.
  • Pink and teal– best part with this color combination theme is that, it can work for both baby girl as well as baby boy. Both the colors are soothing to look at and will give your child’s room a bright and vibrant effect.

In case you are not willing to go for a particular theme, then you can always look back or rely on the traditional nursery colors such as pink, yellow, green, purple and white. Now days, in order to provide a diverse and unique appearance to baby’s room from their peer once, parents are also going for contemporary and neutral colors like yellow, brown and green.

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