People who want to welcome a new baby in their homes with warmth and affection can really create a beautiful nursery at home. Many people hire professionals to do the work for them while others create their own nursery for their new born child. There are various great ways through which you can create a cozy and beautiful room for your kid. You just need to gather all the important things that would help you out. There are various accessories, décor items, equipments, furniture that you need to purchase before you start the construction of a brand new nursery. If you already have children in your home then you can also use some of the old materials that you might have used for creating their nurseries. Creating a designer nursery for their child is the dream of every mother. They really put in all their efforts to provide their child what they really need and desire.
You would really be surprised to know that the nursery room designs that are used these are highly versatile than the ones that were used many years ago. If you want you can also look for some trendy and modern designs in various home improvement stores and online websites. Some of the leading home décor magazines can also give you a very good idea about the designer nurseries. You can also decorate your child’s room according to their gender. These days people prefer using modern designs, attractive colours and patterns for decorating the home.
You must try to create a nursery that can turn into your child’s bedroom when they grow up. In this article, my basic focus would be to provide you some very important information that you need to know about the designer nursery.
Selecting the perfect theme
The best thing that you need to decide about the nursery is to select the theme for the room. If you have a boy then you can select themes like princess, flowers, and gardens and if it is a boy then you can opt for blue themes that look truly amazing. If you have a hired a professional for this work then they would certainly be able to guide you about the best ways through which you can create the designer nursery. You must never select themes that are too babyish because as your child matures he would soon outgrow the theme. You must try selecting the colours, patterns and themes simple, attractive yet interesting. Try to focus on the fact that the nursery would soon be used as a bedroom by your new born. Some attractive elements that you can incorporate in the room are ballerinas, Stripes and stars, clouds, hot air balloons sailboats and seashells or astronauts. These are the most suitable patterns for a nursery. These are some simple themes that are suitable for children below the age of six.
Selecting the floor and wall colours
Your next step involves selecting the perfect floor and wall colours for the nursery. Make sure that you select the colours after conducting a through out research of the market. One beneficial tip for you is that you must select neutral colours like the cream, mauve, white, cream, sand, eggshell and various others. You can incorporate all these colours in your newborn’s room by purchasing bright area rugs, designer nursery bedding, removable wall decals, pictures, stuffed animals, and other vibrant accessories. The mats and the small carpets that you install in the baby’s nursery should be very soft and cosy in brilliant soft shades. There are myriads of attractive patterns and designs available in the market which you can select without any troubles.
Selecting the best designer window features

There are various traditional as well as modern window designs available in the market but you must try to select the simplest curtains, frames, drapes and designs according to your child’s needs. The benefit of the simple accessories is that your baby would be able to use them even after they grow. Some of the current trends that you can follow for creating designer accessories are swags made from a skirt draped over a blind rod, drapes with valances, new formula mini blinds, beautifully decorated curtains and light-defusing custom made shades. In order to keep your child safe you must use the safety-wand device rather than using the standard quality cords. Make sure all the directions are followed in a proper manner.
Designer baby furnishings
While purchasing accessories and furniture items for your baby rooms you must try to purchase items that your baby can use once they grow. Purchasing accessories that are meant only for the baby is like wasting loads of money. You need to be very careful about the things that you select for the room. The crib is the most important furniture item that you need for your new born but now you can also purchase cribs that can be turned into small beds once your baby grows. Purchasing such options would be a profitable venture for you. You must never purchase items that are age restricted and can only be used by people of a certain age group. Try to be more versatile and trendy while you are making your selection. You can select from light colored cupboards and chest of drawers that can be used by your small children and teenagers alike. There are various furniture items that can also be converted into entirely different accessories.
De-clutter the nursery
You must never fill the room with useless items and accessories as this would make your baby highly uncomfortable. You must also select the accessories that you want to install in the room according to the space that is available to you. If you have very little space then initially you must only purchase a small crib, a chest of drawers and a rocking chair. Other accessories can be bought later on. The entire procedure should be carried out in a very organized manner. You must also leave some space vacant for your child to play and walk around. Storage space is also very important in your baby’s room therefore you must purchase built-in drawers that can be used for storing your baby’s things. Some people also consider adding a bookshelf in the nursery which their little one can use later in life.
Giving the final touches
Once every thing is ready, you can try giving the final touches to the designer nursery by adding colorful pillows, games, stuff toys, decorative lamp, teddy bears, night light, vibrant mats and cozy blankets. These additional accessories would in the true sense make your nursery complete.
These are the most excellent steps that you must follow in order to create the best designer nursery for your beloved. I am sure this designer nursery guide would surely be able to help you in many ways.