Vastu for Lighting

Vastu for Lighting

Vastu for Lighting- Decorative Ideas For You

Proper lighting is very important for every room of your house. It also has very special significance when it comes to decorating your room. If the lighting system is not adequate then this can create various imbalances in your home. The lights are also used for decorating your interiors and they are a very important part of the decoration scheme of your home. Vastu categorizes lights into three different parts, namely the general lighting system which is used for lightening the whole house, accent lights are usually used for decoration purpose and the task lights are used for illuminating a certain part of your room where general tasks are performed.

The lights play a very significant role when it comes to vastu principles therefore you must follow the principles very carefully. Some of the most important principles related to vastu are as mentioned below.

Lighting arrangement of the living room

  • Your must purchase overhead lights that can be used for illuminating your walls in an appropriate manner. This would help in enhancing the look of your accessories.
  • If you want to highlight the plants of the pictures installed in your room then you must use a separate lightening system for this task. The fixtures that you purchase should be of soothing colors so that it does not disturb the color combination of your walls.
  • If you want to install indirect lights then make sure that they are installed in the most efficient and stylish manner.

Vastu for bedroom lights

  • According to the Vastu principles the lights that are installed in your bedroom should be very soothing with delicate textures and general colors. Task lighting can be used for lightening paintings and other stuff in this area.
  • Before you consider the installation of lights in your bedroom area you must consider arranging them in a planned manner so that they can help in creating a romantic and relaxing ambiance in the room.
  • If you want you can also install decorative lights in the room because they would really help in enhancing the whole appearance of the area.

Vastu for bathroom lights

  • Even if you have a small bathroom you can still use a lot of different lights in order to create an appealing ambiance.
  • The most important lights of the bathroom are placed around the mirror area that is why the color combination should be kept soothing and vibrant.
  • Proper lights should also be placed in the area where you bath tub and other bathroom accessories are installed as this would be very helpful while you are taking a bath in the tub.

Vastu for the reading room lights

  • The reading room lights are the most important part of the room and this room can only be used if proper lights are installed on all the walls.
  • For study purpose it is highly important for you to illuminate your room in the most proper manner so that you do not face any problems while you are studying. The whole room should be properly lit up with general lights, up lighters and down lighters.
  • If the computer is placed in this area then p[roper lights should also be installed near the gadget.

Adequate illumination of some typical points not only adds on to the beauty of your dream home but it also reflect good health and wealth inflow. Proper lightening is extremely important for each and every room of your house that is why you must follow all the vastu lightening principles in a proper manner.

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